What They Say About Us
- 06 Mar 2005 17:23
- 842
"There is a countervailing force among audio magazines… I'm referring to The Audio Critic…an effective antidote to the self-serving silliness of the other audio-buff publications… The Audio Critic's reviews are models of rationality, coherence, and technical competence." | |
—LARRY KLEIN in Electronics Now (Larry Klein is the former Technical Editor ofStereo Review, predecessor of Sound&Vision;.) | |
"I always enjoy reading your nice little magazine. It is a pleasure to see that you have managed after all these years to continue to speak the truth and keep your sense of proportion and humor." | |
—R. A. GREINER Emeritus Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Wisconsin | |
"The Audio Critic…shines by an absence of the typical technical nonsense that I find in all the other audio magazines. On top of that the tone of presentation makes it so much more readable…" | |
—SIEGFRIED LINKWITZ* Linkwitz Lab, Corte Madera, CA *of Linkwitz-Riley crossover fame | |
"…‘Accountability in audio journalism' and your no-nonsense, rational approach to product reviews are a refreshing change and a source of continuing entertainment for me." | |
—JOSEPH D'APPOLITO, Ph.D.* Andover, MA *of D'Appolito speaker geometry fame |